Why WordCamp Scranton is Important

Friend and Sponsor Colin Devroe wrote a great post today about Why WordCamp Scranton is Important for our area.

Careers can be started and bolstered at WordCamps. I’ve heard many stories of people attending WordCamps for the first time and that being the starting point of them changing careers and becoming WordPress developers or designers. A WordPress developer or designer is capable of earning $80,000 or more per year and are in high demand. There are not that many jobs the Scranton area that can promise that.

I will say that I deeply appreciate WNEP’s coverage, understand why they do things the way they do (it was explicitly explained to me), and couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out. We are nearly sold out thanks to them!

Colin makes some incredible points about the technology scene in our area and everyone involved is hoping this will help bring that community closer together! We are really looking forward to a great event.